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Welcome to the official

ParallaxMC (deprecated) Store

Monthly Goal


Welcome to the Webstore! Select a category by clicking the button in the top left.

When purchasing your package, please allow up to 10 minutes for your purchase to be applied to your account. If you do not receive your package within the first hour, please contact us.


Our primary currency is USD. However, we accept a wide variety of currencies. Use the tab at the top of the page to switch to your currency and see how much each package is. If not, you can pay in USD and it'll automatically be converted for you!



All purchases are final. There are no refunds. 

Issue a chargeback or claiming refunds is a violation of our terms of service and will result in the loss of your rank, and you will be permanently banned from our network.

Donator powers are a privilege, not a right! We track all console commands, logs, etc. If we find out that you are abusing your powers or impeding the in-game progress of other users against their will you will lose your advantage with no refunds.

By making a purchase you agree to our refund policy and our payment terms.